If 67% Of The People Believe It's True, Does It Make It So?

or: The Grinch's that stole Christmas. Newsmags' kibosh on Christmas BY ADAM LISBERG DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Just in time for Christmas, America's

or: The Grinch's that stole Christmas.

Newsmags' kibosh on Christmas


Just in time for Christmas, America's two largest news magazines devote this week's cover stories to debunking the story of Jesus' birth.

Among the conclusions in Time and Newsweek: Jesus was born in Nazareth, not Bethlehem; there is little evidence of three kings following a star, and the story of the virgin birth may have been borrowed.The Nativity saga is neither fully fanciful nor fully factual but a layered narrative of early tradition and enduring theology," Newsweek writes in examining the Sunday-school version of the birth of Christ.

This may be unwelcome "news" to most Americans. A Newsweek poll found that 55% of Americans believe every word in the Bible is literally true, 67% believe the entire Christmas story is literally true and 79% believe Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary with no human father.

This will drive the cable news arena all week.
Here comes Falwell and Dobson and every other Christian coalition group to be back on the air, front and center to protest these articles.

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