NY Daily News Says NY Post's" World Exclusive" Is Bogus!

Whipping Post [NY Daily News article no longer online] Earth to the New York Post: Your "world exclusive" front-page story yesterday that billionaire

Whipping Post [NY Daily News article no longer online]

Earth to the New York Post: Your "world exclusive" front-page story yesterday that billionaire Marc Rich was a middleman in Saddam Hussein's oil-for-food scandal was first reported by ABC News, and then our newspaper, 12 days ago on Dec. 2.

Then you bury a story on the fall of Bernard Kerik. Were you being "fair and balanced" or were you just emptyhanded - unlike The News' Russ Buettner, who uncovered Kerik's shady dealings with Mob-related contractors, unreported cash gifts, stock-option windfalls and extramarital affairs?

Next you'll be reporting the major scoop that there'll be a partridge in the pear tree for Christmas. Try to print it by Dec. 25th.

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