Must See TV

While MSNBC is getting a lot of heat for considering adding Tucker Carlson to their stable and rightly so; Pat Buchanan has turned Scarborough Count

While MSNBC is getting a lot of heat for considering adding Tucker Carlson to their stable and rightly so; Pat Buchanan has turned Scarborough Country into a hoot. It's like the 700 Club on steroids. Every night there is usually a debate on how secularists are taking the Christ out of Christmas!

It was inevitable to see different faiths start to attack each other and the other night was a classic.

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RABBI SHMULEY BOTEACH:...Having said that, the problem that I have with people like Bill Donahue, Pat, is that they take trivial issues, like a creche. One creche may have been manhandled by some teenager, when the-and the pope also even said yesterday that the problem with Christmas is, we need more trees. We need more trees? The pope is a tiny island of faith in a completely secular continent. You can land airplanes in churches today, they are so empty. We have the main depiction of women in America as prostitutes. We have kids taking drugs, teenage sexuality. And we are talking about that Macy‘s doesnt Merry Christmas in its department stores? Come on, Bill Donahue. Catholicism doesn‘t have priests these days.Talk about something substantive for God‘s sake.

DONAHUE: No, I will not allow you, the demagogue, to define the debate.

I will define the debate the way I want to. And if I want to talk about creches that have been vandalized, I will treat it seriously, just as I would synagogues that have been vandalized. For you to make light of nativity scenes that have been vandalized, a rash of 40 across the country, is not the voice of sanity. It‘s the voice of insanity.

This vicious, phoney 'debate' is a national embarrassment to believers and secularists alike.

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