Blair And Miller / The War On MLK Day

Blair and Miller [Steve Gilliard] Two new books on the New York Times relive its recent crises. But while the Jayson Blair scandal made for splashy h

Blair and Miller [Steve Gilliard]

Two new books on the New York Times relive its recent crises. But while the Jayson Blair scandal made for splashy headlines, the real question is how the country's leading newspaper will recover from spreading lies about Iraq's WMD.

...Blair was a slimy little troll who asskissed and backstabbed his way to the Times and his departure, like Jack Kelley and Bob Greene, will hardly be missed. Miller, OTOH, is a vastly different story. She promoted a fake story and screwed people to get it, as the Washington Post was kind enough to inform us. You really can't stop nutjobs, but Miller, unlike Blair, isn't crazy or a drunk. She does, however, have an agenda. There can be no change at the Times as long as she draws a paycheck.

The War On MLK Day [Darrel Plant]

January 17, 2005 is the third Monday of January, a day nationally-recognized as the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday ...Don't let the bigots and neo-segregationists pretend it's just a second-rate holiday; another day off for federal workers; or a bone thrown to African-Americans to keep them quiet. Make sure people know why MLK deserved this type of recognition.

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