Charles Krauthammer: Chaos Theorist

Krauthammer was on "Special Report" on Faux News Tuesday night (no link, LexisNexis). He's responding to U.N. Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian

Krauthammer was on "Special Report" on Faux News Tuesday night (no link, LexisNexis). He's responding to U.N. Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland's assertion that the US is "stingy" with its foreign aid:

KRAUTHAMMER: But that is a complete distortion of the truth of how America helps the world, because we give in other ways that are not measured. First of all, we have the largest private giving in the world. Bill Gates alone is doing more to help Africans than Mr. Egeland and all of Norway and Sweden put together.

Hacktackular. Look how generous we as a country are. The richest person in the world gives money, so we're awesome... Now enjoy how Krauthammer distorts the situation to make it sound like we're sacrificing ourselves nobly for the people of Asia:

... by opening our trade up as we have and destroying a lot of domestic industries, like textiles and others, we have raised the level of income of poor countries, particularly in Asia. The largest lifting of people out of hunger and poverty in history.

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