Monday's Shrill Predictions
A Satire! You can be assured that Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity will be back from their holiday vacations and be as Shrill as ever. O'Reilly will c
A Satire!
You can be assured that Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity will be back from their holiday vacations and be as Shrill as ever.
O'Reilly will claim that the elite media once again championed by those dreaded op-ed columnists from the NY times and that insidious U.N. lackey Jan Egeland, have taken a horrific tragedy where millions of people have been effected and lives have been lost and used it solely for the purpose of bashing President Bush.
OReilly: Shame on you! Youre making us look weak to the enemy. Alright? And the U.N. should just go and screw themselves, especially Kofi, and all you Christmas stealing lefties, OK? Jesus is looking down on you now and crying. Alright?
Sean Hannity will have booked Ann Coulter for a full thirty minutes and they will pound those nasty, vile, vitriolic liberals for insinuating that their beloved George was a bit slow in responding to the disaster.
Hannity: "What do these liberals think? The president was supposed to stop everything he was doing down in Crawford and jump in front of a camera like that news hound Clinton did and try to assure the world that the United States would do everything in its power to help with this tragedy.
Coulter: You liberals are all crazy! The President was gathering all available information before responding to assess the damage. That takes true leadership, something you liberals know nothing about! That's why you liberal scum will continue to lose.
Hannity: And as for that Jan Egghead from the U.N. Who does that Swede or Norwegian think he is trying to criticize us, calling us "stingy" telling us to raise taxes? I have one word for you. Mr. Egghead, "The Oil for Food program."
Allan Colmes " Thats actually five words Sean."
Coulter: They are lucky we dont bomb the shit out of the U.N.
Colmes: I agree with some of the things you say Ann, but the U.N is in New York.
Coulter "So, you got me there Allan, what do you want me to do? Apologize? Well I'm not going to. Are you and your liberal friends happy now? You want to quote me on that?