Where Are The Evangelicals?

President Bush enlisted two former presidents for an ambitious private fund-raising drive for victims of the deadly tsunami on Monday, asking Americ

President Bush enlisted two former presidents for an ambitious private fund-raising drive for victims of the deadly tsunami on Monday, asking Americans to open their wallets to help the millions left homeless, hungry and injured.

He spoke about the generosity of the American people that have pledeged millions to help the cause. He singled out:

A coffee roaster, a tax preparer, a Buddhist Temple, people selling items on the internet, and corporate donations as some examples of American generosity. What I find interesting is not a word mentioned about his fellow Evangelical Christians who espouse the moral majority on the land. Where are they hiding? Americablog surveyed their websites and found them barren from almost any mention of this tragedy. Are they too busy collecting money to intimidate Democrats in the Senate? Are they too busy working on voter drives that they haven't the time to be involved in the relief effort? With not a peep about them out of their biggest supporter's mouth today, will they finally be embarrassed enough to join in?

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