Yada,Yada, Yada; It's Just More Of The Same!

All I hear from the Republican noise machine is how President Bush won a mandate from this election. We control all aspects of the Government. Yada ya

All I hear from the Republican noise machine is how President Bush won a mandate from this election. We control all aspects of the Government. Yada yada, yada. The religious leaders call it a moral victory. Yada, yada, yada. If you try and block conservative wacko judges from the bench we’ll unseat you. Yada, yada, yada. The Democrats are irrelevant now. Yada, yada, yada. They need a new message. Yada,yada, yada. They whine all the time. They believe in conspiracy theories and wear tin foil hats. They can’t reach the people anymore more, and they look French. Yada, yada, yada. Hillary is the devil, and please, please make Howard Dean head of the DNC. Yada, yada, yada.

Then why the fuck do they have to lie in T.V. ads and pay off people to promote their initiatives and agendas to the American people? Are they so fucking insecure and dishonest that they feel they can’t get their political capital spent? Can you imagine if someone from the media was caught taking money to promote Hillary's health plan? As we have seen all too well, this is just an extension from their campaign. Assume more will follow.

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