Monday Shrill Prediction - A Satire

If I had to guess, I would say that Sean Hannity will have Ann Coulter on Monday to defend Armstrong Williams. It'll go something like this: Hannity:

If I had to guess, I would say that Sean Hannity will have Ann Coulter on Monday to defend Armstrong Williams. It'll go something like this:

Hannity: "I want to reach out and tell my friend Armstrong Williams that I feel your pain and suffering. We are a forgiving nation, except in Clinton’s case and we should help this man, not attack him. And these hypocritical, phony democrats who had the audacity to vote for John Kerry are at it again. It’s just another one of their vitriolic and hateful smear campaigns that besmirch the good name of another great conservative. Will they ever stop? Do they have no shame? I have three words for all of them. Un-be-lievable."

Colmes: Sean, I think that is one word.

Coulter: "I know how a liberal might look at this with their crooked eyes that only see anything conservative evil and twist this into something sick, I mean I take money all the time, what’s the big deal? It’s really about racism. He's a BLACK conservative. Harry Reid and judge Thomas comes to mind right away. If it had been a white conservative, you wouldn’t have the amount of outrage that we do now. I’d really like to bomb the shit out of USAToday for writing that story in the first place.

Colmes: USA Today is in Virginia Ann, that’s pretty close to the White House.

Coulter: Well then they should have never fired me from my column during the DNC Allan.

Hannity: How can we help this man Ann? I know all our hearts go out to him.

Ann: What I propose to do is introduce a new product Sean. It’s the Armstrong Williams doll. Here it is.(holds up doll) If you squeeze his belly it says No Child Left Behind.

Hannity: That's cute Ann.

Coulter: It also comes with really tiny play money so If you stuff the pockets with the money, Armstrong says. "Show me the money."

Colmes: Ann I agree with most of what you said, but don’t you think the tiny money is a little over the top?

At this point Zell Miller barges into the studio and and yells at Colmes.

Zell: "It’s a metaphor you jackass."

(Anybody have photoshop that can make an A.Williams doll to match Coulters?)

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