Was Carl Bernstein Booted Off Hannity& Colmes?

In their quest for being fair and balanced Hannity and Colmes spent the better part of twenty minutes with Bernie Goldberg (a guy who has made his liv

In their quest for being fair and balanced Hannity and Colmes spent the better part of twenty minutes with Bernie Goldberg (a guy who has made his living attacking Dan Rather) tear apart Rather and CBS, Monday night about the "Rathergate "episode. To follow up, they brought in Carl Bernstein to look at it from the opposite perspective. I was really interested to see Carl debate Hannity on the findings from the 200 page plus report and discuss journalism in general. As soon as some meaningful dialogue began to take place, the segment ended.


Hannity: What if John Kerry won because this became one of the biggest issues in the campaign?

Bernstein: What if John Kerry lost because of the Swift Boat allegations...

A few minutes later...

Colmes: We gotta split

A surprised Bernstein: We gotta quit?...

So, twenty minutes of Goldberg, three and a half of Bernstein. Do I believe he was booted, not really. Do I believe that his opposing views to Goldberg's was limited...you bet.

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