Hugh Hewitt's Lament

Hugh Hewitt's not too happy with his fellow bloggers at Instapundit and Captain's Quraters for siding with Kos and MyDD on the disclosure story. As I

Hugh Hewitt's not too happy with his fellow bloggers at Instapundit and Captain's Quraters for siding with Kos and MyDD on the disclosure story. As I scanned Hewitt's site for the story about his appearance on The O'Reilly Factor, Hugh writes: I appreciate the kind comments I have received from many bloggers on my effort to protect the reputation of the blogosphere post Kos/Armstrong Williams. Our question to Hugh is: When was Armstrong Williams a blogger? How did Williams taking $240,000 taxpayer dollars to promote a government program tarnish any blogger in any way? They are separate issues. You are a radio talk show host, author, and talking head and still you don’t know the difference. I think you do actually. You linked them for partisan political purposes. Is that the quality of trust you always proselytize on about. We know why O’Reilly would want to attack the blogosphere, because it is blogs like Media Matters that hold him accountable for his words. Your defense of the blogosphere only extends to the right wing side, so your motives are quite apparent.

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