A Brief Look Into Hugh Hewitt's Blatantly Biased Book Called "Blog"

I'm doing it so you don't have to. To say that Mr. Hewitt has a huge right wing agenda is to simplify the issue, but here goes a few examples. Pg. 10

I'm doing it so you don't have to. To say that Mr. Hewitt has a huge right wing agenda is to simplify the issue, but here goes a few examples.

Pg. 108: on Atrios, Hugh says: Hard left, incoherent, actually. But big traffic.

On Daily Kos: (brief history).... He is also an off the wall lefty, willing to say anything.

Pg. 113: A final word on ideology and the blogosphere: there is currently a talent gap. The political left is seriously behind in the promotion and development of bloggers with insight and good humor. It maybe that the early entrants such as DailyKos, Atrios, and Joshua Micah Marshall's Talking Points Memo have set a tone of self importance combined with coarseness that has repelled would-be bloggers, or that Peter Principle bloggers with energy but not enough talent have taken up valuable shelf space.
I guess he never read Ornicus, James Wolcott, Digby, Talk Left, Tbogg, World O' Crap(inappropriate title for a blog), Jesus General, Rude Pundit (oppps, he uses naughty words so Hewitt would disqualify him), Juan Cole and Altercation just to name a few. I find it outrageously hypocritical (I'm not really outraged) to read a guy that stands on his soap box, preaching about the aspects of "liberal bias" when he's as guilty as "sin" in promoting his own version of right wing propaganda.

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