The Mafia Mentality And Payola-Gate
Ok, here's how it works. I know I will eventually need a few special heavy hitters on my team. It's hard running a crew with the trade I'm in, so I'll
Ok, here's how it works. I know I will eventually need a few special heavy hitters on my team. It's hard running a crew with the trade I'm in, so I'll need some outside help for back up from time to time. What I do is I hire them for a job. You know, print up some brochures; gather a few ideas, something worthless like that. Then I throw in some cash to wet their whistle, and leave em alone.
It might be a week or a year, but eventually a real job will come up that suits their particular talents and I place the call. I make sure that when they do this task the money that I spent before wont be connected to me. They take the call, remember my generosity and perform the job like its their own and act on it passionately. I sit back in the shadows, unknown, my hands clean. Its just business.