'Wash Post' Disputes Gallagher Claim Of Retraction
'Wash Post' Disputes Gallagher Claim of Retraction via Atrios NEW YORK Universal Press Syndicate columnist Maggie Gallagher says The Washington
'Wash Post' Disputes Gallagher Claim of Retraction
via Atrios
NEW YORK Universal Press Syndicate columnist Maggie Gallagher says The Washington Post retracted a claim about her in a Saturday column by Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt.
"I would not call it a retraction," responded Hiatt, when reached by E&P.
Added Howard Kurtz, the Post writer who broke the story about Gallagher receiving $21,500 from the Department of Health and Human Services to write marriage-themed material, "The only retraction is in Maggie Gallagher's imagination."