Michelle Malkin

Well she's at it again. Last week I emailed her about her obvious false statement that Andrew Sullivan is a lefty blogger. Of course no response. She

Well she's at it again. Last week I emailed her about her obvious false statement that Andrew Sullivan is a lefty blogger. Of course no response. She doesn't allow comments on her blog either, so she's more like a ranter than a blogger:

via Orcinus: She's the expert

Michelle Malkin has taken to calling Greg Robinson "gutlessly underhanded."

Well, Michelle is, after all, an expert on gutlessness and underhandedness.

UPDATE: Greg Robinson has responded. [Via Eric Muller.] Seems this is vintage Malkin: Twist an act of graciousness on the part of your opponents into an attack on their character. It's not as if we didn't know already, but it's worth repeating: These people see decency as a weakness to be exploited.

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