Wing Nut Quote Of The Day

Robert(The Crypt Keeper) Novak said this on the Capital Gang about Howard Dean and the DNC chair: "I will say this. This is suicidal and lunatic by

Robert(The Crypt Keeper) Novak said this on the Capital Gang about Howard Dean and the DNC chair:

"I will say this. This is suicidal and lunatic by the democratic party. And that's an opinion shared by a lot of democrats that I talk to"

Outside of the Crypt Keeper being in jail for treason. My question is: Besides possibly Joe Lieberman, what democrats actually talk to him, and if so, where can we find them.

Update for Oliver and here

B.S. Alert
Beware of columns from "douchebag of liberty" Bob Novak quoting unnamed Democrats concerned about irrelevant research about Howard Dean. Expect more of this as Dean works it as chairman. Who cares?

UPDATE: More of the same nonsense here from David Brooks. Looks like the memo went out. Expect to see it on Fox this week, and Rush will take a stab at it. For those of you who haven't been paying attention the last few years, or for those of you pretending there isn't any method to all of this please read Kevin Drum's look at the Ward Churchill story and how its been pushed by the right. What happened to Clinton in the '90s is now how the daily news now works. More on this later.

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