Super Bowl Commercial Score Board

Ist Quarter Parents Televison Council 7 : scoring TD: no creativity allowed Sane People 3 :scoring FG: for Go Daddy 2nd Quarter Parents Televison

Ist Quarter Parents Televison Council 7 : scoring TD: no creativity allowed

Sane People 3 :scoring FG: for Go Daddy

2nd Quarter Parents Televison Council 14 :scoring TD: no creativity allowed

Sane People 0 : boring

3rd Quarter Parents Televison Council 21: scoring TD: no creativity allowed

Sane People 2 : boring+ safety(hot chick from Tobasco)

4th Quarter Parents Televison Council 31: scoring TD+ idiocy for the "Easy Button" spot by Staples: no creativity allowed

Sane People 0

Final Score PTC 31 Sane People 5

Review: Usually the Super Bowl is viewed by millions of people as we know; but just as many people stay glued to the T.V. for the one time of the year to see the creativity in advertising. It's their Super Bowl too. In other words Tivo's fast forward takes a rest. Actually for most Super Bowls the commercials are the real treat. This years spots were the all time low. I couldn't find one commercial that Elaine Benes from Seinfeld would say is "sponge worthy." There were cars, and trucks, and movie trailers, and Fox TV shows, and monkeys, plenty of monkeys, and very safe beer commercials, but nothing that you would say was inventive. So the PTC has won this year's Super Bowl of ideas and creativity by scaring advertisers into banality.

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