Another Bigoted, Phoney Democrat Joins The Republicans
function vid_placeholder(placeholder_target, vid_link) { placeholder_target.innerHTML = ''; } He uses the artificial excuse that he left the party be
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He uses the artificial excuse that he left the party because of Howard Dean. The guy changes sides because republicans are holding most of the offices in his town.
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Curtis Adams, Tennessee County Commissioner was on Hannity and Colmes last night and had this to say:
Adams: I said today on T.V, in Chattanooga 25 years ago. if a govenor, or a U.S. senator or congressman, even uttered the word same sex marriage, they'd be impeached, or kicked out of office.
Hannity:...welcome to the right side, we're glad to have you.
Thanks Sean, you can have him. Adams might be correct about same sex marriage if uttered in the 80's. Go back another 25 years and if a black women tried to ride on the bus, she's'd be kicked off. Go back another 25 years, if a black man tried to play baseball, he'd be stoned. Go back another 25 years and if a black man tried to have a relationship with a white women, he'd be lynched. Go back another 25 years and if you where Irish or Italian you'd probably... well you get the point. He is on the right side now.