- At the Conservative Political Action Conference, where rabid Bush-worshippers learn that liberals hate America and that we really did find WMD in Ir

- At the Conservative Political Action Conference, where rabid Bush-worshippers learn that liberals hate America and that we really did find WMD in Iraq.

Rep.Christopher Cox (R-CA) made at the Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC) on February 17, 2005.

"Despite all evidence to the contrary, the left persists with the
fiction that our efforts in Iraq are a distraction from the war on
terrorism. No, this is the war on terrorism. We continue to discover
biological and chemical weapons and facilities to make them inside Iraq,
and even more about their intended use."


Michele Goldberg writes the article for Salon

Full test of the speech here

A blogger hilariously compares Cox's scenario of poison in perfume
bottles to the plot of the first Batman movie here:

(hat tip Joe)

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