Ann Coulter Calls Alan Colmes A "Liar"

via Kos: In a segment on Hannity & Colmes tonight, Coulter and Hannity once again bash Dems as shrill and mudslinging. Coulter refers to a quote

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via Kos: In a segment on Hannity & Colmes tonight, Coulter and Hannity once again bash Dems as shrill and mudslinging. Coulter refers to a quote from Dean that categorizes the current political landscape as harboring a battle of "Good vs. Evil", and Dean describes the Dems as "The Good."

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She goes on explain how this is contemptible coming from a party she describes as supporting "murder, lies, & adultery." (paraphrasing)

Colmes asks for her condemnation of a quote from a Republican who likened Dean to an Al Qaeda brand terrorist.

Coulter, after initially dodging the question altogether, in pure wing nut fashion responds, "I refuse to respond to your characterization of the facts because you lie." (Nevermind that it's a FRIGGIN' QUOTE!!)


Furious, Colmes cranes his head in a fashion I've never seen and asks, "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?"

Coulter: (quivering laughter) Come on, you can't be serious.

Colmes: (Stares intently, looking DEAD serious)

I have never seen someone stop Coulter in her tracks so effectively. She glances toward Hannity for support, he remains silent. Coulter whithers into dust and proves, once again, just how hypocritical, how absolutely spinelessly hypocritical the Right has become.

(Update Media Matters)

Coulter's latest invective follows a long line of attacks on Democrats: she has labeled former President Bill Clinton "a very good rapist" and likened him to O.J. Simpson, the football star who was tried for murder in 1995; asserted that Sen. John Kerry would "improve the economy in the emergency services and body bag industry" if elected president; suggested that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) is unpatriotic and that he doesn't love America; and impugned Democrats generally as "racist" for criticizing black conservatives.

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