Wingnut Of The Day

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Hugh Hewitt on Scarborough Country tries to pull a fast one and align Moveon.org with Fred and Jael Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church .

The segment was in response to our previous post: Jael Phelps says gays should die

Scarborough...to a lot of people who think, hate helped elect George W. Bush.

Hewitt denouced the Westboro Baptist Church and says:

Hewitt:....it is to the republican party what the Moveon.org/ Hitler ads, turning Bush into Hitler were to the democratic party.

In Hugh's small mind, he tries to lie and say that MoveOn.org actually produced and aired Hitler/Bush ads. (also phrases it so we think there was more than one.) The truth is: MoveOn.org in January briefly posted an on-line ad contest entry that linked Hitler and Bush. Moveon.org quickly pulled it from its site; denouncing it. That's as stupid an analogy as I've ever heard. Now you know the state of AM radio. Hewitt trys and relate the hate and insanity of the WBC to Moveon.org.

Hewitt is the Wingnut of the day


The Poorman chimes in about Hugh Hewitt

via The Daou Report

Hugh Hewitt is the stupidest man alive - Fresh from his Tony-award winning triumph as Tristan Newmedia in Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Blog!", Hugh Hewitt sits write down to prove that whatever stupid things people may have done through history, Hugh Hewitt is the man to do them all one better.... Not since the Rams left sunny LA for far-off St. Louis have I witnessed such a blatant moving of goalposts."

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