New Group to Fight Back Against The FCC's Indecency Crackdown

SpeakSpeak: Viacom's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is the latest target for the Parents Television Council which objects to an episode that dealt wit

SpeakSpeak: Viacom's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is the latest target for the Parents Television Council which objects to an episode that dealt with infantilism (please don't ask). "Apparently, CBS has learned ABSOLUTELY nothing [emphasis theirs] from the record-breaking $3.5 million fine levied against parent company, Viacom, in an effort to settle scores of indecency complaints," said PTC. CBS declined to comment on the complaint.

via Altercation: However Speakspeak.org -- a Web site launched one month ago to fight back against the Federal Communications Commission's indecency crackdown -- did respond quickly. It has set up an online form on its opening page for surfers to submit a letter of "noncomplaint" to the Commission to counter the PTC complaint. "Our members feel that, while not every program is appropriate for every age group, neither is it appropriate for a small-but-active segment of the population to control the airwaves," site founder Amanda Toering said. "Because their mobilization has led to fear and self-censorship at the broadcast networks, the PTC has become the nation's de facto censorship board."

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