HOOKERS IN SUITS Or Why Biden Voted The Way He Did.

via Suburban Guerrilla Here's what Good Will Bunch has dug up on Biden and MBNA: Biden's been carrying MBNA's water on this issue for years. In 2000,

via Suburban Guerrilla

Here's what Good Will Bunch has dug up on Biden and MBNA: Biden's been carrying MBNA's water on this issue for years. In 2000, when the plan was effectively stalled because a real Democrat named Bill Clinton was in the White House, he even tried to attach the bankruptcy changes to a foreign aid bill.

Why is Biden such a big fan. Those less cynical than us might argue that, well, MBNA does employ a lot of people in Delaware. True -- but could it also be because MBNA is Biden's biggest contributor -- by a good margin. read on

Rising Hegemon makes his feelings known here.

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