The Judge That The Lifer Elite Want To Destroy

The 6th Circuit is especially fortunate to have Judge Greer. His wonderful demeanor coupled with his legal acumen and life experiences are qualities n

The 6th Circuit is especially fortunate to have Judge Greer. His wonderful demeanor coupled with his legal acumen and life experiences are qualities necessary to handle tough legal matters.
The Lifer Elite will have a tough time painting Judge Greer as a wacked out, out of control radical.
The Bull Mouse GOP Heal Thyself

Meanwhile, Tom DeLay has evidently detected that an Al Qaeda cell has infiltrated the Florida medical community. The Washington Post reports,
"House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) called the removal of the feeding tube "barbarism" and "an act of medical terrorism."

Here's how the conservative New York Post describes it,

"So, a Republican Congress that worries about judicial activism passes a bill - with hardly any debate - that expands the power of federal courts? Lovely."

Joe Gandelman says more in his New Development in Schiavo Case...And I'm Puzzled

The Carpetbagger report The Florida judge some 'pro-lifers' want to see dead

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