Randall Terry "Wingnut Extraordinaire"

Scarborough Country featured Randall Terry tonight. He called Terri's condition a lie. Terry: Michael Shiavo and Judge Greer have scammed all of u

Scarborough Country featured Randall Terry tonight.

He called Terri's condition a lie.

Terry: Michael Shiavo and Judge Greer have scammed all of us...


Why would judge Greer want to kill Terri?

Joe asked the obvious question: Why?

Terry: Because he wanted her dead. Because he decided she wasn't going to live...

Why on earth would any judge want that? (We have some information about judge Greer here )

Of course Joe doesn't ask him to prove the allegations. That would be too easy. Simply let him make an accusation that a judge wants to kill somebody, then go on to call Michael a liar.

via WOC:

You may recall Randall Terry, the former head of "Operation Rescue" who was arrested dozens of times for trespassing (and other crimes) as he engaged in "civil disobedience" at abortion clinics. He was also successfully sued for harassing women at the clinics, causing him to declare bankruptcy when the plaintiffs tried to collect...read more

This is the sort of information the media should be telling people when they bring up his name as the representative of the Schindler's. I don't pretend to know Michael Shiavo, but I do know Randall Terry. Obsidian Wings has a lot of information about Terri's condition here. These people are going to get more of our judges killed. I want to thank our liberal media once again.

update-Media Matters has more on Randall

The Daily Howler examines William Hammesfahr

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