McClellan Lies About Bush's "Pull The Plug" Law

via Kos Stealing from Think Progress: At the gaggle this morning, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan defended a law Bush signed as governor o

via Kos Stealing from Think Progress:

At the gaggle this morning, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan defended a law Bush signed as governor of Texas in 1999:
McClellan’s statement grossly distorts the nature of the law. The law does not ensure that actions are taken “in accordance with the wishes of the patient or the patient’s family.” In fact it codifies and legalizes the ability of doctors to stop treatment even if it goes against the explicit directive of the patient or the patient’s family.

Check out Section 166.046, Subsection (e)

McClellan's response was a flat out lie. There's no gray area in the law.

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