Is The Righty Blogosphere Embarrased By The Shiavo Case?

Is the Righy Blogosphere embarrased by the Shiavo case? The Democracy Guy "I've checked Instapundit, Powerline, and Little Green Footballs, and c

Is the Righy Blogosphere embarrased by the Shiavo case?

The Democracy Guy

"I've checked Instapundit, Powerline, and Little Green Footballs, and cannot find one single mention of the Terry Schiavo case on their front pages since the shit hit the fan on Friday...read on"

I'm not one to usually bannter about why a site doesn't cover which issue because it's their business what they post, but these three major blogs consistently post about these types of stories. Why aren't they? Will they be put on the "Wall of Shame" from the website: Blogs for Terri?

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