Diagnosing DeLay

Editor's Notes & Rants: War Crimes for Everyone!   . Do you have a Living Will? Has the Washington Blade become too dull to do its job

Editor's Notes & Rants: War Crimes for Everyone! 

Do you have a Living Will?

Has the Washington Blade become too dull to do its job?

Utah Gov. signs bill censoring internet. What do you bet everything to the left of outright fascism is declared "porn"?

Kerry was right: Bush really did let Bin Laden get away at Tora Bora. My guess: he's staying in the Lincoln Bedroom.

From the party of phonies, a new "Voting Rights" org seeking to limit your voting rights. There's a reason they call Lucifer "the deceiver".

Lucifer is a liar, and so are his followers. James Dobson of Focus on the Family went on Fox News the other day and blatantly lied that Terri Schiavo isn't brain damaged at all! He claimed she talks and carries on conversations, she just needs a little help eating until she's stronger, that's all. He also claimed that Terri has never had legal representation -- pay no attention to the MILLIONS of dollars right-to-life groups have spent fighting this case in courts. His daddy Lucifer must be so proud. Only the demon-possessed would follow such a liar.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has denied an appeal by the Schindler family to reinsert Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. The family will now appeal the SCOTUS. Which means we can probably expect that to be refused by Friday, so Congress and POTUS can make another weekend spectacle of themselves, proving again just how out of touch with the nation they really are.

Bob Barr, John Warner and other Conservatives oppose the Feral Government's involvement in the case. (no, that's not a typo)

"This Republican Party of Lincoln has become a party of theocracy."

Rick "screw the pooch" Santorum thinks being a Senator is like being God. It's blasphemy to oppose his will!

Maybe the opportunistic parasites in Congress, and the Preznit can pass a law to keep the Pope alive against his will, too.

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