It's All About The Courts

Another Email:As much as anything else, what we are seeing in the Schiavo case is that (despite our feeling that the Republicans control all three bra

Another Email:

As much as anything else, what we are seeing in the Schiavo case is that (despite our feeling that the Republicans control all three branches of government), in fact, there is still one branch that is not totally beholden to the far right extremists. The state and federal court systems still reflect some degree of sanity, by and large. The Supreme Court is a different story, but by and large the lower courts are fairly sane.
And that is one of the things that is driving the Republicans absolutely nuts. They feel like they should just be able to force their will on the rest of us, and cannot stand having the courts in their way.
This should be a warning to all of us. The last line of defense we have against a totally theocratic state is our judicial branch of government. Every year, Bush is packing the courts with more and more far-right Christian lunatics. Eventually, the complexion of the courts will change to match that of Congress and the Executive branches -- it will just take a little longer.
Enjoy what freedom you have today, while it lasts.
update-America Blog has more on the Republican Supreme Court decision.

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