Down With The Judicial Tyrants

Joe Conason: Pryor is the perfect example of the kind of appointee whose extreme views provoke the strongest liberal and Democratic opposition -- an

Joe Conason:
Pryor is the perfect example of the kind of appointee whose extreme views provoke the strongest liberal and Democratic opposition -- and whom the Republicans are determined to elevate by breaking the filibuster. He is a vehement opponent of abortion, an advocate of criminalizing homosexuality and a consistent supporter of theocratic efforts to breach the wall separating church and state. Although the competition is fierce, he is probably the most right-wing nominee chosen by President Bush.
Whatever Pryor may believe about the Schiavo case, he affirmed the silence of his fellow Republicans with his own. Like the views of Scalia and Thomas and most of Pryor's Republican colleagues on the 11th Circuit, his opinion remains unexpressed.

by kos :

The majority of judges ruling on this case have been Republicans. One of the only dissents has been a Clinton appointee. The American Taliban will rail against "activist judges", but their own kin on the bench exposed the extremism of their agenda.

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