Culture Of Strife

Jon Stewart once again calls out what is known as 24/7 cable TV news. His feud is well known and well deserved. The absurdity of the last few days by

Jon Stewart once again calls out what is known as 24/7 cable TV news. His feud is well known and well deserved.

The absurdity of the last few days by all the cable news outlets has been astonishing(here), and Stewart in his quest to let them know it as he always does...did just that.

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(please link to http://www.crooksandliars.com/2005/03/25.html#a2137)

FOX News went so far as to have on John Edward from Crossing Over as a guest; (as if he is a soul expert.) The non-stop Schiavo coverage denegrated to the ludicrous, and The Daily Show captures their fallacies while remaining nuetral on the actual case. Stewart manages to bring humor to a humorless situation.

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