Hal Turner/More Extremism

on 3/3 Hal Turner was questioned by the F.B.I about his whereabouts on Monday, the day U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow found her mother and h

on 3/3 Hal Turner was questioned by the F.B.I about his whereabouts on Monday, the day U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow found her mother and husband shot to death in her home in Chicago...read on

via Eschaton

"I advocate the use of force to rescue Terri Schiavo from being starved to death.
I further advocate the killing of anyone who interferes with such rescue." -- Hal Turner.
Second Quote of the Day:

"Web Site Updates Temporarily offline.
I am traveling to do something important."

(Update)-Another quote from his website- "These guys deserve to have the shit kicked out of them, and that Hospice ought to be blown up by a truck bomb." hat tip(LM)

--Hal Turner. More on Turner here and here.

(Update)- Jesus General has a take on Hal Turner

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