Christopher Hitchens Rips Joe Scarborough

On Scarborough Country last night, Hitchens, (who we have taken to task in the past) confronts Joe on the type of show he (and cable TV) have been r

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On Scarborough Country last night, Hitchens, (who we have taken to task in the past) confronts Joe on the type of show he (and cable TV) have been running.

Hitchens: I've had to sit in this chair listening to you be a megaphone for fraud.


Hitchens: You should be ashamed of the show you are running.

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Joe wants to look at the transcripts on Monday to prove Hitchens wrong, but why bother.

Steve Gilliard has more on Scarborough's rants and the extremists: This is not an action movie

"I have never seen so many radicals so irresponsible and so blind to the consequences of their actions. Americans prize their legal system and the order it imposes. They don't like threats to it from any quarter.

No, Joe, what people see are politicians so craven that they will use a delusional family deepest hopes as political pawns. And they don't like it."

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