Take Back The Times

Tim Rutten Column on Schiavo Case Constitutes Authoritative Catholic View Tim Rutten's column in Saturday's Calendar section, March 26, constitutes a

Tim Rutten Column on Schiavo Case Constitutes Authoritative Catholic View
Tim Rutten's column in Saturday's Calendar section, March 26, constitutes a useful, even admirable statement of authoritative Catholic views on the unfolding case of Theresa Maria Schiavo. In fact, Tim's religious-based view makes him an unusually valuable columnist for The Times and has for many years.
I cannot help but feel Tim Rutten would make a much better editor of the editorial pages, since his integrity, the honesty of his point of view would advance the esteem in which the L.A. Times is held.

For frequent supporters of the President, such as me, the spectacle of him rushing back from his Texas ranch to attempt intervention in a case which has been heard at length in the courts constitutes a serious mistake...More

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