Schiavo "Push Poll?"

Mystery Pollster Another day, another polling controversy. The latest involves a survey released last Monday by ABC News that shows 63 to 28 percent

Mystery Pollster

Another day, another polling controversy. The latest involves a survey released last Monday by ABC News that shows 63 to 28 percent support for removal of Terry Schiavo's feeding tube. The survey drew intense interest in Washington and immediate allegations of biased question wording from the blogosphere's right wing. Captain's Quarters called it a "push poll for euthanasia." Wizbang adds another adjective, calling it a "bogus push poll for euthanasia." 

Do they have a point?  The quick answer:  The evidence of bias or deliberate untruth in the ABC poll is scant, though the issue raises some interesting questions about the appropriateness of "informed" questions.

Now here's the long version: updates and ...More

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