Minuteman Project Lies Again

This is too much. One of their members caught an illegal and made him hold up a T-shirt so he could be video taped and humiliated. On Hannity an Co

This is too much.

One of their members caught an illegal and made him hold up a T-shirt so he could be video taped and humiliated. On Hannity an Colmes, Chris Simcox (one of the leaders of the group that has been convicted of federal weapons charges ) lies to Colmes and then tells the truth in a New York hot second.

Video wmp


rough transcript:

Colmes:...part of your group who had this person that he detained, put on...hold up a T-shirt that said Bryan Barton caught an illiegal alien, and all I got was this T-shirt.

Simcox: Not true Allan

a hot second later

Colmes: So he did hold up the T-shirt?

Simcox: Well yea is that a law?

Then the punchline.

Simcox: He let the guy keep the T-shirt.

No this is not The Simpsons. There may not have been forcible detention, but what about human decency?

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