Paul Begala Angered By Wolf Blitzer

Blitzer got under Begala's skin as the Pope TV broadcast began during the Crossfire time slot. Blitzer pointing out that both the Prince of Darkness a

Blitzer got under Begala's skin as the Pope TV broadcast began during the Crossfire time slot. Blitzer pointing out that both the Prince of Darkness and Paul are Catholics.

(rough transcript)

Wolf: ...both good Catholics, I'm sure Bob is a good Catholic, I'm not so sure about Paul Begala.

Begala: Now who are you to pass moral judgement...my oldest son is named John Paul after the Pope...


Begala crticized CNN's news scroll as well.

Begala...some producer had written "many Catholic doctrines are conservative" absolutely correct. Many are liberal as well. The Holy Father bitterly opposed President Bush's war...

I think Wolf was not serious on the segment, but paints the picture that the media and the religious right have been painting for years so effectively that even Blitzer's not aware that he's doing it. All democrats are godless people, devoid of any spirituality or moral principles and republicans are a pillar of spiritual morality and values graced by their devotion to the Pat Robertson's, Jerry Falwell's and now of course the Pope. (edit updated)

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