That Colored Fellas Weblog

Introducing La Shawn B.'s Groundhog Day TCFW is proud to introduce La Shawn B.'s Groundhog Day, the continuing saga of a Black woman trapped relivin

Introducing La Shawn B.'s Groundhog Day

TCFW is proud to introduce La Shawn B.'s Groundhog Day, the continuing saga of a Black woman trapped reliving a life not of her own choosing, a day of unending events that repeatedly challenge her faith, Conservative values, and sanity.

La Shawn B.'s Groundhog Day is a collaboration between the immensely talented Dave Dugan of Zen Comix and TCF. It will become a regular feature here at TCFW, which means whenever the inspiration hits me.  Checkitowt


Shorter Max Boot:         Busy Busy Busy
The Friend We Betrayed

Who you gonna believe, me and Ahmad Chalabi or your own lying spies?

Dave Dugan of Zen Comix and TCF. It will become a regular feature here at TCFW, which means whenever the inspiration hits me. Checkitowt

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