Santorum And the "Culture Of Cash"

John Baer nails "the man on dog" via Philly.com. ......And take his trip to Florida and his national TV appearance after visiting the hospice where T

John Baer nails "the man on dog" via Philly.com.

......And take his trip to Florida and his national TV appearance after visiting the hospice where Terry Schiavo was dying. A masterpiece of timing, an exceptional use of his time and a good example of how politics is played by the big boys. Make some news, do a little pandering, raise some money and, oh, yeah, comfort a suffering family. Wait, raise some money? Yep, that's what the trip was about.Maybe you thought it was about Santorum's deep commitment to the culture of life....

Total take, according to Santorum finance director Rob Bickhart, was about $250,000 (en route to an April 15 FEC filing expected to show the senator with close to $3 million already). So my hat's off.

Down and back on a corporate jet, grab a quarter-mill, get some national attention. This, my friends, is poetry in motion.

What's that you say? Seems a tad crass to cash in on a heartbroken family and get your mug on TV because you happen to be in the neighborhood lining your pockets?

Doesn't the culture of life outweigh the culture of cash.

And you thought he was there out of a moral conviction didn't you?

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