Ann Coulter Gets Pied-revisited

Cranky Horowitz was on Hannity and Colmes last night complaining of the pie that almost ate him. We don't condone that sort of thing here at C&L.

Cranky Horowitz was on Hannity and Colmes last night complaining of the pie that almost ate him. We don't condone that sort of thing here at C&L. We really don't. I hope somebody does not get hurt. I mean Horowitz said that a piece of the pie could have broken his glasses,...and a piece of the fractured spectacles could have jetted up into his eye, piercing his brain, and leaving him a tad more intelligent.

Do you notice that it's only the insane conservatives that are getting the pie? (Update): Does Pat Buchanan fall into the "insane" conservative movement? Watching him during the last three weeks on Terri/Pope TV, I do consider him whacked. He is clearly anti-war and does make a good case against the current foregn policies of the White House, but don't get him talking about religion.

In honor of Ann making TIME's 100, here's the clip



Hannity is in fear of his life because he might be the next target!

Update: Digby reviews Ann Coulter's book "Treason"

Her erudition on the subject of McCarthy is well -- non-existent. She basically just made shit up. But, nonetheless it was apparently "irrestistable" to the great historical minds at Time magazine. They are evidently wingnut crackwhores over there...read on

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