It's Good To Be King

President Bush's tax cuts have saved him $28,846 last year, while the Cheneys saved $81,336. The Citizen's for Tax Justice found the Bushes saved mor

President Bush's tax cuts have saved him $28,846 last year, while the Cheneys saved $81,336. The Citizen's for Tax Justice found the Bushes saved more than $26,000 last year relative to what they would have paid before the tax cuts and the Cheneys saved more than $46,001. We need those tax cuts! Its hard work to make it by on $784, 219 and $1.74 million in the taxable salaries they received.

I remember when I got that $600 dollar tax refund that President Bush promised would make my life so much better, I thought..." Wow, there's a lot of extra Ramen noodles I can buy with that money." I even found a blog that has some really interesting and new Ramen noodle ideas. This is my favorite " Jailhouse Ramen Pizza" Matt says" Note: I am always a sucker for recipes from jail. Also, they let you have hot pots in jail? Sounds more like college to me.

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