And Then There Were Seven

via The Carpet Bagger: ...So, who’s on Roll Call’s list on undecideds? Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Chuck Hagel (Neb.), Dick Lugar (Ind.),

via The Carpet Bagger:

...So, who’s on Roll Call’s list on undecideds? Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Chuck Hagel (Neb.), Dick Lugar (Ind.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Olympia Snowe (Maine), Arlen Specter (Pa.), and John Warner (Va.). Which ever side gets four of these seven will prevail.

Collins and Snowe have hinted at opposition and Dems on the Hill generally count them as “no” votes when doing nuclear head counts. Likewise, Lugar and Murkowski are believed to be leaning in the other direction. Warner and Specter have publicly criticized the nuclear option, but remain noncommittal, while Hagel is a complete mystery.

Stay tuned.

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