Pat Buchanan Compares The Da Vinci Code To Mein Kampf

On Scarborough Country, Joe and the boys needed their little Holy War fix, so out pops the Da Vinci Code. Video-WMP only-working on fixing the clip

On Scarborough Country, Joe and the boys needed their little Holy War fix, so out pops the Da Vinci Code.

Video-WMP only-working on fixing the clip

Pat has been unhinged for a while now, and he somehow forgets to mention that The Da Vinci Code (a great read ) is a novel. He also never admits to actually reading it. Pat goes off on bizarre tangents about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Mein Kamf, how Hollywood tried to destroy Mel Gibson and other assorted wingnuttery. Being Catholic myself, I had a great time looking up the paintings discussed in the book on-line as I read away. As for Dan Brown, I'm surprised Pat didn't freak over Angels and Demons. That book is a lot closer to Pope TV than the Da Vinci Code is. Its not quite as good, but a worthwhile read.

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