Of Course They Won't. Its A Supposed "Religious" Event. The MSM Is Terrified Of Calling The Religious Right Wing Elites On Anything They Do, No Matter How Outrageous, Or Hateful it Is. They Would Rather Us Believe That The Randall Terry's Of Thi

Will the MSM Hold Frist Accountable for the hate speeches today? via AmericaBlog: Remember last fall when Whoopi Goldberg made a joke about Bush at

Will the MSM Hold Frist Accountable for the hate speeches today?

via AmericaBlog:

Remember last fall when Whoopi Goldberg made a joke about Bush at a Kerry fundraiser and the GOP went crazy? Ken "Straight but not on the record" Mehlman called it a "hatefest." The lapdogs in the mainstream media all obediently tagged Kerry with Whoopi's remarks. It was such a scandal....neverminding the fact that Whoopi is a comedian....

So, the early evidence is that the MSM isn't holding Frist to the same standard Kerry faced. The people holding this conference aren't comedians. They are extreme activists with a hard core agenda. And, they are bashing other elected officials and other religions.

If the MSM holds Frist to the "Whoopi" standard, he will be responsible for the remarks of every other speaker at the conference. Their words are his words by the GOP's own standard.

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