MSNBC Let's Hugh Hewitt Go On The Air To Give An Impartial blog Roundup.

What we got is more insane, partisan hackery. Hewitt was brought on by Connected-Coast to Coast, to talk about the buzz on the internet surrounding

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What we got is more insane, partisan hackery.

Hewitt was brought on by Connected-Coast to Coast, to talk about the buzz on the internet surrounding the judicial filibuster fight that is ongoing.

He used it as a platform to belittle democrats, Joe Biden, Frank Rich, and the left side of the blogosphere while pimping a phony, republican activist website sponsored by called of all things "" which Hugh described as objective.

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James Wolcott has a funny piece called: Whiz Kid

...I won't recount the panel discussion, except to say that blogger Hugh Hewitt, whose high opinion of himself gleams like ice, is the only pundit I've ever seen who can sip water superciliously. He must practice in front of a mirror in his private chapel...

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