Did Bush Actually Say Anything In The Press Conference?

I know I heard the 2041 Social Security goes broke lie. If its voluntary and if you choose not to participate in it and if you are guaranteed the sam

I know I heard the 2041 Social Security goes broke lie.

If its voluntary and if you choose not to participate in it and if you are guaranteed the same or higher benefits than why have private accounts? I'm still watching it...

Tell me what you heard?

New word from Bush: Equipping....care to come up with a meaning!-(I know it is a real word)

(Update): I checked the right wing mighty mouses and Power Line talked about the press conference. Try to guess what they said?..... imagine coming home to David Gregory everynight right there is cause for suicide

Here's the funniest:
LGF # 21 Where's Jeff Gannon when you need him?

# 171 I had an email from Gannon the other day. He's well and has once again been embroiled in something but he's coming out of it. I'd had occasion to ask him what Ben Bradlee thought of the Blogs since he was attending a dinner where Bradlee was to talk. As it turned out, Gannon didn't go. He seems to still be in there pitching but didn't go into specifics.

#231 Goodnight Mr President, you brought a tear to my eye tonight, sir.

I don't usually post this kind of stuff, but what the heck...

(Update)-The Religious Right Elite definitely took a hit, as the Preznit distanced himself from Justice Sunday, not agreeing that his nominees are being held up because of their faith.

Think Progress really blogged it out!

Outside the Beltway Live Blogged it.

Kevin Drum also Blogged it here, here.

Josh Marshall Blogged about it too.

Andrew Sullivan blogged: The president's press conference last night was, I think, perhaps his best ever...read on

What strikes me about Andrew's post (he does make some good points) is that the right is so used to a fumbling George Bush speech, that when he gives a very, very mediocre one; to them it seems amazing.

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