Debate Over Gay Foster Parents Shines Light On A Dubious Stat

The Wall Street Journal writes an excellent article about Mr. Cameron's study: Ms. Adams did get Dr. Cameron's results onto national television, but

The Wall Street Journal writes an excellent article about Mr. Cameron's study:

Ms. Adams did get Dr. Cameron's results onto national television, but for the most part the mainstream press ignores him these days. That's because for two decades he has published studies critical of gays while openly espousing an antigay agenda. Speaking about his institute, Dr. Cameron told me, "We agree that homosexuality is one of the greatest public-health threats of our time, and that engaging in it ought to be discouraged to the same degree that we discourage illegal drug abuse." ...read on

Yet another example of the laziness that populates the 24/7 media. To help perpetuate and offer a platform for an obvious homophobe to spew unsubstantiated data againsts gays.

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