Calling Dave's Bluff

Canadian Cynic Having, over the course of the last few months, documented the sleazy, pathological dishonesty of David Horowitz and his little leprec

Canadian Cynic
Having, over the course of the last few months, documented the sleazy, pathological dishonesty of David Horowitz and his little leprechauns, the laughably-misnamed Students for Academic Freedom, it just occurred to me that there's one incredibly easy way to shut Dave up once and for all -- just give him what he wants.

Since Dave is constantly bitching, whining and moaning about the overwhelming (in his own mind, anyway) pro-liberal, anti-conservative bias in academia, what better way to test his claims than to give him his own college class to teach?

Seriously, I propose that some college or university in the U.S. -- ideally, one that Dave has viciously slagged in the last little while -- invite Dave to teach a single, one-term course. Since Dave is perpetually slobbering about the under-representation of right-wing moonbats on the faculty, what better way to address this than to give Dave his very own course to try to set things right. So, let's hammer out the details, shall we?

First, would Dave agree to do it? It's hard to see how he could refuse and not become the laughing-stock of the entire galactic quadrant. How could he possibly justify being such a total pain-in-the-ass for years regarding alleged liberal bias on campus, only to refuse the opportunity that's handed to him on a platter? Really, there's no way he could turn down such an offer and have anyone (well, anyone sane, that is) take him seriously any more. So I think we're safe in assuming that Dave really couldn't weasel his way out of this.

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