Ann Coulter: She Really Speaks Out

She was on a roll on Scarborough Country last night. [media id=13187]-WMP Coulter: What were my other wacky and controversial positions? ---------

She was on a roll on Scarborough Country last night.

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Coulter: What were my other wacky and controversial positions?


Coulter:...the spread of democracy and the sanctity of marriage, as if that‘s the hate speech, really tells you where college campuses are today.

WITT: Which is what? You think they are just bastions of liberalism?

COULTER: No, I think they're lunatic asylums.


Ward Churchill somehow represents every college teacher in America.She gleefully cherished the thought that a couple of pie throwers got beat up.

About the pranksters being beaten up:

So far one of our sources says : The police report, arresting offer, defendants and witnesses all say that there were no injuries to the pranksters. Also, if it had happened, the big news of the night would not have been a pie throw, it would have been police brutality.

There's too many for me to comment on. You know she really does have a big adam's apple.

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