Pat Robertson Uses The "Taken Out Of Context" Defense For His Insane TV Appearance.

As many of you know, Pat Robertson appeared on "This Week" and made some of the most bizzare statements I have ever heard. That's saying a lot if you

As many of you know, Pat Robertson appeared on "This Week" and made some of the most bizzare statements I have ever heard. That's saying a lot if you come to this blog often.

The Carpet Bagger Report has received a letter Pat Robertson wrote to Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

"...that statements get taken out of context and then blown out of proportion" read full letter here

He should have just left this one alone, because Pat is helping the country see just how radical and dangerous these Religious Right wing elites are. Every one of these TV Evangelisties know exactly what they are saying on camera. They make their living doing this. Why do I enjoy putting video up? Seeing is believeing!

Norbizness has more on Robertson: America's Leading Plague-of-Frogs Insurance Salesman

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